This year’s show, “2013 Holiday Ice Show” features an all-star cast of skaters performing to various Christmas music. The crowd was brought back in time as the show opened with the Classic Skater's Waltz. The hockey team along with the figure skaters all were dressed to the theme of the turn of the century outdoor skate. 32 featured soloist performed, Taylor Ryan was the first solo skating to Last Christmas. Other solos were performed by...
Avery McHenry, Katie Gold, Kimbery Satterfield & Cheyenne Arnspiger, Tot Pre-Alpha Class, Anna Mialky, Olivia Gillespie, Dylan Wajda, Shannon Davis, Alpha & Beta Classes, Nona & Penny Hunter, Abby Cavinee, Lacey Purvis, Ice Dancing Class, Sophia Strickling & Danielle Justice, Gabriel Roberts, Jaclyn Hartshorn, Arctic Snowflake White Team, Gamma-Delta Freestye Class, Sadie Beneze, Jen Spires, Emily Dickerson, Alex Cavinee, Freestlye 2-3 Class, Hallie Meadows, Emily Amos, Anya Bartek, Freestyle 4 Class, Mandy Dickerman, Ellie Knuth, Amarissa Estep, Freestyle 5 Class, Ashley Engert, Abby Bagent, Amanda Scott, Freestyle 6-9 Class, Audrey Swonger, Antony Goldenberg, Lexi Marelli, Abby Pitcock, Arctic Snowflake Silver Team and the show concluded with a performance by Livvy Shilling skating to Shake Up Christmas. Congratulations to all the skaters who performed.
Avery McHenry, Katie Gold, Kimbery Satterfield & Cheyenne Arnspiger, Tot Pre-Alpha Class, Anna Mialky, Olivia Gillespie, Dylan Wajda, Shannon Davis, Alpha & Beta Classes, Nona & Penny Hunter, Abby Cavinee, Lacey Purvis, Ice Dancing Class, Sophia Strickling & Danielle Justice, Gabriel Roberts, Jaclyn Hartshorn, Arctic Snowflake White Team, Gamma-Delta Freestye Class, Sadie Beneze, Jen Spires, Emily Dickerson, Alex Cavinee, Freestlye 2-3 Class, Hallie Meadows, Emily Amos, Anya Bartek, Freestyle 4 Class, Mandy Dickerman, Ellie Knuth, Amarissa Estep, Freestyle 5 Class, Ashley Engert, Abby Bagent, Amanda Scott, Freestyle 6-9 Class, Audrey Swonger, Antony Goldenberg, Lexi Marelli, Abby Pitcock, Arctic Snowflake Silver Team and the show concluded with a performance by Livvy Shilling skating to Shake Up Christmas. Congratulations to all the skaters who performed.
"2013 Holiday Christmas Ice Show Highlight"
6 Minutes-The open of the DVD
"Turn Of The Century Old Time Skate"
If you are interested in ordering a DVD from the Holiday Ice Show please send us your mailing information and we will send you a copy. The cost is $30.00. Mailing information can be sent to [email protected]