You still can order a DVD of any performance or purchase digital images.
Please click below to see all the photos we have available to purchase.You can order prints, digital images or special products. Price sheet is in PDF format. Please click below if you are interested in looking at digital images or video. |
If you would like more information about the Watertown Figure Skating Club or you are interested in competing at the 2016 Snow Town Invitational please go to their webpage to get the information. www.skatewatertown.org/ or Kristina Faunce- Test and Competition Chair - [email protected]
2014 Snow Town Invitational
The Skating Club of Watertown hosted the 2014 Snow Town Invitational held on Saturday January 25th at the Watertown Arena. 22 Skating clubs participated from New York and Canada. It was a full day of competitive skating and the competition was well received by all with 180 skaters performing from the basic skills programs to the Novice Ladies. The Competition chair was Kris Faunce and Co Chair Dawn Sweeney. If your club is interested in joining next year’s competition please contact the Watertown Figure Skating Club at www.skatewatertown.com. The competition is sanctioned by the USFSA and Skate Canada.
RES Video & Media was there and captured on video all the wonderful moments. All events are still available to purchase. If you would be interested in purchasing an event please e-mail us at resvideo@hotmail. If you would like to see an individual skating event please let us know and we can upload part of any performance during the competition.
Click on the links below to see examples of video. All skaters are recorded in 16x9 1080P High Definition Quality video for the best looking picture. You can order a DVD or have it ready to download from our website and you then can attach the file to Face Book or any social media and share with friends and family members everywhere.
RES Video & Media was there and captured on video all the wonderful moments. All events are still available to purchase. If you would be interested in purchasing an event please e-mail us at resvideo@hotmail. If you would like to see an individual skating event please let us know and we can upload part of any performance during the competition.
Click on the links below to see examples of video. All skaters are recorded in 16x9 1080P High Definition Quality video for the best looking picture. You can order a DVD or have it ready to download from our website and you then can attach the file to Face Book or any social media and share with friends and family members everywhere.