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Video Examples of the Competition
Kaitlyn Nash Event 02
Madalyn Gephart Event 14
Sydney Sterwerf Event 09
Grace Gregory Event 25
Kayla Boling Event 28
Megan Muzy Event 15
Annabella Dyer
Garrett Lutz Event 47
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2014 Flag City Competition
The Silver Blades Skating Club held there Annual ISI Flag City Open Skating Competition ("Flip" on Over) on November 22-23. This year's competition was held at The Cube in Findlay,Ohio. Silver Blades celebrating 40 years as a club did a wonderful job hosting the competition.The Flag City Open is the 2nd in the series of the District 7 Championships.Clubs that participated were Silver Blades, Greater Youngstown, Lou & Gib Reese, Chiller North, Chiller Easton, Bowling Green, and Goggin Ice Center. Seven different clubs brought almost one hundred skaters to a wonderful weekend of skating from Basic Skills to Freestyle and Light Entertainment..
If you are interested in joining next years Flag City Open Team Competition please contact Christy Wronkowicz at Silver Blades. The phone number is 419-360-2755 and E-Mail [email protected]. The Flag City Open is a great event to attend for any club interested in a fun and competitive day of skating. Special thanks to all the volunteers that helped out and made this year's Competition such a wonderful success on and off the ice!
If you are interested in joining next years Flag City Open Team Competition please contact Christy Wronkowicz at Silver Blades. The phone number is 419-360-2755 and E-Mail [email protected]. The Flag City Open is a great event to attend for any club interested in a fun and competitive day of skating. Special thanks to all the volunteers that helped out and made this year's Competition such a wonderful success on and off the ice!