The Potsdam Figure Skating Club hosted its 2016 ice show on Saturday, March 19 at Cheel Arena, Clarkson University. The theme for 2016 is American Pride. Members of the Potsdam FSC performed to some patriotic favorites and music of their choice to fit the American theme.
Graduating seniors Jazmine Trombley and Rachael Clements will be soloists this year. Joining them will be: Breanna Cardinal, Dustin Grant, Kennedy Hayes, Sarah Lavigne, Morgan Sabre, and Alyssa Sloan. This year’s duets include Brigid and Catherine Barstow, Brianna Grant and Erica Lavigne, and Daniela Pena & Karissa Kingsley. Guest skaters will include Annie Mateya and Jacqui Scibior along with our local synchronized skating teams.
A Special Thank You goes out to all the volunteers that help out in this year's production. Without your support this show would not be possible!
potsdam_ice_show_flyer_2016.pdf |
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